Price Range: from 100 000 F.CFA to 100 000 000 F.CFA
Taille: from 10 m2 to 1 000 m2
Price Range: from 100 000 F.CFA to 100 000 000 F.CFA
Superficie: from 10 m2 to 1 000 m2
Other Features


Kitchen essentials

For thousands of years, the kitchen has been considered the heart of the home. Nowadays, if you live in an apartment in Dakar, your kitchen may need a little more attention. Apartment kitchens generally offer less space, and kitchen layout can also have an impact on the amount of [...].

How to rent your first apartment in Dakar?

It's an exciting experience to lease your first apartment - but it's not something you should do in the dark! We'll help you understand leasing. This is a step-by-step guide to renting your apartment for the very first time in Dakar. The first step is to concentrate on the [...]

5 tips for moving into your first apartment

It's always a great feeling when you move into your first apartment! It's your own place to do whatever you want - no one's going to tell you to clean your dishes or pick up your socks off the floor (unless you live with a picky roommate). But first, [...]
