When you're looking for a room for rent in Dakar prices often depend on the location of the premises and other specific characteristics such as size and age. In Dakar, often at the start of the school year, students have a hard time finding a room that meets their needs. Lodgings near university establishments are sometimes quite expensive, so the only solution for students is to live in shared rooms.
How can I find a place to rent in Dakar?
We know how easy it is to type "room for rent" into Google, and hundreds of results appear on the screen, leaving us spoilt for choice. The city of Dakar is a city densely populated by people and with a flourishing real estate business. Rooms for rent in Dakar differ not only in price but also in quality, which is why our research and choice must be very carefully made. The presentation of most real estate ad sites doesn't allow us to make mature and well-considered choices, whether it's the quality of the photos or the in-depth organization of the publications. Only a few websites, which we'll mention later, stand out from the crowd.
Lodging in the Neighborhoods of the Establishments Where You Have Enrolled.
Furnished room with bathroom for rent in yoff route de l'ancien aéroport
18 000 Thousand F.CFA / Night- 1 Chbr
- 1 Sb
Furnished room with bathroom for rent in yoff route de l'ancien aéroport
17 000 Thousand F.CFA / Night- 1 Chbr
- 1 Sb
Registrants to Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD) à ISM à ITECOM, can find apartments in the neighborhoods:

If you have any questions please contact us nigfaya@gmail.com
Shared Room Between Student
In fact, universities don't accommodate all registered students, forcing others to find roommates to rent a room. Sharing a room with other students Sharing a room with other students involves two or more students who have decided to live together in order to reduce their expenses. Sharing a room requires patience and tolerance, as it can be a challenge especially when the individuals sharing the premises don't speak the same language or have the same interests. A few Friends and I decided to create a small group on Facebook to help. The group is open to the public, for example :
if you are a student coming from Saint-Louis to study in Dakar and have rented a room, you can go directly to the band and post : < I am a student from UCAD (or other) came from the city of Saint-Louis wanting to find a Roommate to live with me >?
In the other case, if you don't have a room and are looking for a roommate:
<I am a student from UCAD (or other) came from the city of Saint-Louis wanting to find a Roommate to find a room>
It often helps to specify the region or city from which you are coming, and the search can even go as far as more than one flatmate per room. Organization and discipline are very important, which is why it's even advisable at the start of a flat-sharing arrangement to underline in writing a few details such as : smoking ban in the room by the occupants, respect for the maximum duration or period of visits received, respect for the quiet of the premises, etc. And, if necessary, to visit the head of the ward for third-party editing. (This is not to complicate matters, but to make things easier in the future). This note can be omitted, as Senegalese students often live together in cohesion and tranquility in their rooms. They are all driven by the same goal: to succeed.
One Real estate agent or Broker to help us find a room to rent in Dakar
Thanks to their expertise in this field, an Agent can save us all the headaches involved in finding a room to rent in Dakar such as viewing images and reading descriptions. Visit agents professional and serious collectors often make us beautiful collections of empty rooms or bedrooms furnished accommodation for rent anywhere in Dakar. This is only preferable if you can afford it.
The web to find a room to rent
If your budget is limited, we can simply go online to the real estate websites that will help us get satisfactory results for our search for accommodation in Dakar:
These are some of our selections, but there are others. On these sites you can easily find rooms for rent around UCAD (Cheikh Anta Diop University).